This is your permission slip to stop running on the content hamster wheel once and for all. The Content Machine is a done-for-you rinse-and-repeat service to keep your social marketing strategy running on autopilot while remaining authentic, effective, and results-driven.

According to

The majority (43%) of small businesses spend about 6 hours per week on social media (about the equivalent of one whole workday?)

55% of small businesses have blogs... and the average post takes about 1-3 hours to create.

Let's start off with some interesting statistics:

Yikes! You know you need to be online every day, but the effort that is going in to make sure you remain visible is exhausting.

Even worse, you may be putting in all of this effort and aren't really sure if what you are doing is working... let's fix that.

The Content Machine process revolves around stretching and utilizing the work you do and value you contribute to it's fullest extent - saving you time, money, and energy.

Fueling the Content Machine

The Content Machine only needs one thing from you to churn out effective, value-based, and profit-driven content consistently:

Long-Form Content


Youtube Videos
Instagram Lives

Voice Memos
Anything else, really!


You Create Your Long-Form Piece(s)

We Take It, Clean It Up, And Create A Blog Post

We Break Your Blog Up Into Social Media Posts

Depending on how many posts we can yield from your long-form pieces, we will fill in any gaps with relevant and engaging content to keep your account consistent and top-of-mind. You'll be able to review an entire month's worth of posts in about 15-30 minutes, and once approved, we load them into a system that will automatically push them out at strategic times.

We Fill In The Blanks And Schedule Your Posts

This monthly system will only take about 2-3 hours per month on your end, and each quarter you and Alina will get together to review analytics and pivot towards what's working and what you need to promote and plan for in your business.

Rinse And Repeat!

If your long-form piece comes in the form of a video or audio clip, we will transcribe it, add strategic keywords, and create a beautiful Google-friendly blog on your website.

Each long-form post can typically be broken up into 10-20 posts depending on it's length - we create branded graphics, inspiring captions, and visibility-boosting hashtags for each one.

It DOES NOT need to be perfect, spell-checked, or even fully baked. We will take whatever you give us and buff it 'til it shines.


2 Blog Posts published to your website that will improve your searchability and continue to direct your ideal clients to your doorstep indefinitely

15-20 customized, branded, cohesive social media graphics, captions, and hashtags optimized to establish you as an authority in your industry, inspire action, and target your ideal clients

Additional posts to fill in any gaps in the schedule that remain after your long-form pieces have been transformed into posts

A quarterly analytic review meeting where Alina will walk you through an in- depth report of your social media and website analytics and suggest any strategic pivots to do more of what worked and less of what didn't



Love Letters

My online presence was all over the place before Alina and the Content Machine took over. I was trying to figure out what to post and I felt that I didn't have a cohesive look to my social media pages. 
I did not enjoy having to come up with captions and coordinating pictures. It was miserable for me and a big hold back. When I enrolled in the Content Machine service not only did I no longer have to worry about organizing and maintaining my website and social media accounts, I created structure and accountability for myself and my business.

The Content Machine service allowed me to open up a significant amount of time so I could work on other things and move my business forward. I also learned a lot about social media and posting optimization by having this taken off my plate, because I could really look at what content resonated and what did not, this wasn't something I could do before because I felt like I was throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something would stick. An actual strategy helped me to look at what I was spending too much time on that wasn't yielding results so I could shift my focus to what was moving my business forward.

The processes in place and timelines set forth by Alina helped me to stay organized, on schedule, and accountable. I felt that the way Alina created posts helped me to engage better with my audience so I knew what they wanted to see.

Alina most definitely understood my business and brand. I also feel her excitement helped me to stay motivated and excited about creating content for my website. She has always and continues to go above and beyond for her clients. She is really team you and has a personal investment in the success of my business.

If I had to handle it all myself, I probably would no longer be in business. If Alina hadn't built and maintained my website it would probably wouldn't be in existence or up to date with current content. If I had to do my own social media, I wouldn't have been able to take on any monetary projects because I was spending so much time on social media content. I would have probably burnt out long ago.

I interviewed multiple people and have worked with others in the past in the creation of my website. I choose Alina for her skill, her understanding of the space, and because I felt like she truly cared about my success and the success of my business. I choose Alina for content machine because it helped streamline my business and helped me to establish a plan and structure to my business. Being a creative, I felt that Alina was a perfect partner to counterbalance my creativity with a concrete plan to move my business forward.

Alina is fantastic, and so are her services. If you are looking for someone who truly works as a partner in your business Alina is the one for you. She takes pride in her work and wants you to succeed. She has excellent insight and her aesthetics are gorgeous. I always felt that Alina really got me and my business and she brought so much value to my business. When you start a business it can be a lonely road, having someone who is on your team is so important and Alina is an amazing teammate. 

I couldn't have progressed my business had it not been for Alina and Content Machine. She is always more than happy to help and she listens which is so important. Others may just do what they think is best, Alina listens provides feedback, and helps you to produce exactly what you want in the most effective way possible. I would highly recommend Alina to anyone and everyone I know!"

- Jenna McDonough
The Original HMF

ok, I'm intrigued. tell me more!

I'm an online business strategist and digital marketing expert who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs streamline their operational practices, gain visibility, and make their biggest impact in the online space. 

After spending years running the back-end of 15+ businesses, both online and in-person, and in tons of different industries, I have really seen it all and now provide tailored solutions and resources for entrepreneurs who are ready to level-up their business and implement systems, strategies, and content that save time, energy, and money all while seriously impressing their ideal clients.

In my business world, efficiency is the name of the game.